Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Vacancy overview

Name of PostCategoryVacancyTotal Vacancy
Sub-Inspec tor (Telecomm unication) (Male]3J120621087892
Sub-1nspector (Telecomm unicution) [Female]0602OJ04OJ14
Head Constable (Telecommunication) [Male]123. 50269036325383
Head Constable (Telecomm unication) [Female]22.0905160.0658
Constable (Telecomm unication) [Male]1907021 1054451
Constable (Telecomm unication) lFemaJe)03OJ00020107

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Important Dates

The online application process opens on 28 October; the last date to apply online is 26 November 2024. Aspirants are referred to download and check the detailed notification thoroughly for the post-wise eligibility criteria and apply online within the given time.

How to apply online for Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Important Dates

  • Visit the official ITBP Recruitment website at
  • Register as a new user, or log in with your existing credentials.
  • Complete the application form, ensuring all details are correct, including personal, educational, and experience information.
  • Upload scanned copies of required documents, including certificates, photo ID, and passport-sized photographs.
  • Pay the application fee online if applicable.
  • Review your information and submit the application.
  • Save or print a copy of your application for future reference.

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Age Limit

 Age Limit 
4.1. ISub-Inspector  (Telecomm w1ication)Between 20 to 25 years
4.1:2Head Constable (Telecommunication)Between 18 to 25 years
4.1.3Constable  (Telecommunication)Betvveen  18 lo 2.3 years
 subm ission of on l ine applications i.e. 14.12.2024.
1v. Cand idates Econom ica lJy Wea ker Sections (EWS) may note that their certificate of lncome & Assets should be based on the financial year prior to the year of application and should be in possess ion before the closing date for subm ission of online applications i.e. l 4.12.2024.
v. Candidates who w ish to be considered aga i nst reserved vacancies or seeking age rel axation must submit requ isite certi ficate issued by the competent authority, in the prescribed format when such certificates are sought by the Recruitment Board. Otherwise, their claim for SC/ST/OBC(NCL) status will not be entertai ned and thei r candidature/appl ications wiU be considered under Unreserved (UR) category.
v1.   The formats of the certi ficates Annexure-1 , 11, II-A, IJI, IV, V, Vl, V I I are annexed. Certi ficates obtained in any other format wi ll not be accepted.
v11. Age relaxation avai l able to special categories of eligible candidates i n accordance with orders issued by Cenrral Government from time to time are as under :-
CategoryAge-Relaxation permissible beyon d the u ppet·age lim i t 
 SC / ST5 years 
2OBC  (Non  Creamy
3 years
Only those OBC(NCL) candidates who fal l under Non-Creamy Layer status will be given benefit of relaxation 1n accordance wi th instructions and orders issued by Central Government from time to time. Any deviation of the OBC(NCL) ce1titicate from the prescribed format wi ll not be accepted by the ITBP and wi ll lead sucb application to be treated under U R category subject to fu l fil lment of other cond i tions.
3Ex-ServicemenUR/General- 3 Year
OBC (NCL)- 6 Year(3 Year + 3 Year) SC I ST-      8 Year (3 Year + 5 year)
Actua l Military Service wi ll be deducted from the actual age of cand idate, the resu l tant age shou l d not exceed the maxi mum age lim i t prescribed for the post/category by more than J years. .
 4Children and dependent of victi ms KfL LED in the  1984 riots OR com munal riots of 2002 Ill Gujarat.UR-                5 years.
SC I ST-          (5+5) l 0 years.
OBC (NCL)- (3+5) 8 yea rs.
5Government ServantsRelaxable for Governmetit Servants up to  05 years in accorda nce with t.he .i nstructi ons or orders issued  by  the Central  Governnten t.


Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Required Documents

Applicants should prepare the following documents for the online application and verification stages:

  1. Educational certificates and professional diplomas relevant to the position applied.
  2. Proof of birth (Matriculation or equivalent certificate).
  3. Caste or category certificates if applying under reserved categories (ST, OBC, EWS).
  4. Experience certificates (if applicable).
  5. Passport-sized photographs (same as submitted online).
  6. NOC from the current employer if the applicant is employed in government services.
  7. Domicile or citizenship proof (e.g., Voter ID, Passport, Aadhaar).

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Salary Range

3.1Pay scale
3.1.ISub-lnspector (Telecommun ication)(Level -6 in the Pay Matrix)
Rs. 35,400/- to 1,12,400/- (as per 7’h CPC).
3.1.2Head  Constable Telecomm un ication)(Level -4 jn the Pay Matrix)
Rs. 25,5001- to 81,100/- (as per 7lli CPC).
3. 1 .3Constable (Telecommunication)(Level-3 in the Pay Matrix)
Rs. 21 ,700/- to 69,l 00/- (as per 7l” CPC).
a lJowa nces
The post wi ll can-y Dearness Al lowance,  Ration  Money Allowance, Special Compensatory A l lowance (while posted i n specified border areas), free accommodation  or HR.A, Tra.nspo1t Al lowance, Leave Travel Concession and Free Medical Facil i ties and any other allowance as ad m i ssible in the Force from time to time w1der the Rules/instructions.
On appointmen t the candidates shall be entitled for the pension benefits as per the “New Restruct ured Defi ned Contributory Pensi on Scheme” appl icable for the new entrants to the Central Government Services w.e.f. 01/01/2004.

How We Can Help You

At IIKD, we aim to help students reach their full potential and grow into well-rounded professionals and conscientious members of society. If you are preparing for competitive exams like the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Vacancy, we offer comprehensive training to ensure success in this prestigious recruitment process.

Our preparation modules cover all aspects of the selection process, from written exams to interviews, ensuring candidates are well-equipped to excel. Whether you’re preparing for technical or general duty roles, we provide focused coaching to strengthen your knowledge. Along with SBI PO Exam, SBI Clerk Exam, IBPS PO Exam, and IBPS Clerk Exam, we offer tailored sessions that give you a competitive edge in the recruitment process for the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Vacancy

IIKD also offers training for SBI Specialist Officer, SBI SO Recruitment, and SBI Clerk Apply Online, ensuring that candidates aspiring for various positions in banking and government sectors are equally well-prepared. We also provide mock tests like IBPS Clerk Mock Tests, RRB PO Mock Tests, RRB Clerk Mock Tests, and IBPS RRB Clerk Mock Tests to strengthen your exam-taking strategy.

In addition to SSC CHSL 2023 preparation with SSC CHSL Previous Year Papers, we provide the right guidance for exams such as SSC CGL Mock Tests and SSC CGL Previous Year Question Papers to ensure you’re well-prepared. For those applying to railway exams, our resources for RRB NTPC Apply and updates on the Exam Date of RRB NTPC will keep you informed and prepared.

At IIKD, we focus on hands-on training and “learning by doing,” offering practical field modules alongside classroom sessions to ensure that students apply their knowledge in real-world situations. With industry expert seminars and personalized mentoring, students receive a holistic education to help them succeed in both exams and careers.

Whether you’re aiming for a role as an Apprentice in SBI, preparing for the SBI Apprentice 2022 program, or focusing on your future in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police role, IIKD offers the support and resources to help you achieve your goals.

With our cutting-edge research and development, we guarantee a global edge for your career. If you’re ready to take on the challenges of Indo-Tibetan Border Police Recruitment 2024 Vacancy , SBI SO Recruitment, or IBPS PO Exam, IIKD is here to guide you every step of the way.

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