Career as Freelancer in Digital Marketing

Have you ever thought of becoming a freelancer in digital marketing? There are plenty of choices to choose from for marketers. We can become a marketing department head at a cool brand, be part of an organization, join a startup, begin our own company, become a marketing consultant or enter digital marketing freelance.


What is a Freelance Digital Marketer?

You may be amazed if we inform you that from anywhere it can be anybody. At the beginning of his career, he may be an 18-year-old or a 40-year-old from technical engineering. Freelancing is a lifestyle that can be adopted by anyone at any stage in their lives and career, and it matters how and where you do it, not your past, college, job or business. Digital marketing is possible for anyone.

A freelance digital marketer is a professional with various abilities from content and copywriting to social media, optimizing search engines, creating ads, constructing websites, developing strategies and designing. Throughout the web, digital marketers are involved in online societies, join discussions on LinkedIn, share excellent content on Facebook, and attempt to do whatever they can to ensure that their customers achieve their objectives (sales, leads, conferences, calls).


What are the pros in freelance digital marketing?

  • Live wherever you want (Bali, Hong Kong or Sydney)
  • Be your own boss and develop your own timetable!
  • Save time and money on day-to-day transportation
  • Enjoy a separate office every day–choose any coffee stores or co-workingroom or just office-like space.

What are the pros in freelance digital marketing?

  • No fixed salary
  • you have to crunch the figures and make sure you earn enough
  • No business advantages like health insurance, 401k, free gym membership, etc.
  • You’re a one-man show (female) –account, author, designer, and analyst, sometimes everywhere it could get overwhelming distractions! Netflix, bed, distractions.

What’s the digital freelancer do?

When operating as a freelancer in digital marketing–learning becomes a daily thing, because it’s a one-man (woman) show, as I stated previously. There are numerous duties and roles to do, and depending on customers, they differ every day.

A digital marketing expert can study from web design or HTML from Photoshop. For some of us, that’s quite interesting.

Now, let’s think about how the day-to-day looks like in this industry:

  • create a digital marketing strategy
  • Send monthly reports to customers using free marketing templates
  • Set up KPIs
  • Write blog posts
  • Create PDFs, eBooks, presentations, or any other promotional materials
  • Start a podcast etc.
  • Design an infographic
  • Write newsletters
  • Copywriting for the website
  • Build the marketing funnel
  • Learn marketing ideas
  • Improve conversions and CTAs
  • Create social media calendars
  • Hold a webinar Design a website Stay active in appropriate online communities
  • Have a customer conference to discuss next measures
  • Make Facebook or Google Ads Search Engine Optimization

Build backlinks for website authority


What are the skills needed to become digital marketing freelancer?

First, set your expectations correctly. Freelancers sometimes run in circles like never before, doing loads of things and multitasking. Sometimes it gets to cases where all is chaos–there’s a half-written tweet, some paragraphs of an article, some parts of design remaining in the trash, a customer meeting beginning in 10min, and there’s always something to catch up on. In freelance marketing, there’s a lot to learn. By studying all kinds of abilities or choosing something to specialize in, you can become a marketing specialist. Also keep an eye on marketing trends at all times.


Where you can find the best freelance digital marketing jobs?

Freelancer is not a company-typical worker. Depending on the budget and job they need, they can readily choose from any client range. Digital marketers who work as freelancers are independently providing their own circumstances and consultancy. And on one of the following platforms, many of them discover their next customer:

·     Upwork
·     The Dots
·     LinkedIn Jobs
·     FlexJobs
·     ClearVoice Marketplace
·     Media Bistro
·     Problogger
·     People Per Hour
·     RemoteOK
·     99designs

Make sure you have a great profile description, a nice profile image and a personalized message when you’re searching for a job. It will improve your opportunities considerably


With proper training in digital marketing you can choose whatever yo want to be in this field.

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