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RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 for shortlisting candidates for various posts under Ministerial and Isolated Categories. The vacancies will be announced for both Graduate and Undergraduate level candidates which is a good chance for all candidates looking for a stable job in Railway Department. 

RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25
Recruitment BoardRailway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Exam NameRRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories
PostsJunior Stenographer, Junior Translator, Staff & Welfare Inspector, Chief Law Assistant, Cook, PGT, TGT, Physical Training Instructor (Male & Female (EM)), Assistant Mistress (Jr. School), Music Mistress, Dance Mistress, Laboratory Assistant (School), Head Cook, Fingerprint Examiner
CategoryGovt. Jobs
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Registration Dates7th January to 6th Februray 2025
Mode of ExamPhase I- Online
Phase II & III-Offline
Selection ProcessSingle Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), Stenography Skill Test (SST)/ Translation Test (TT)/ Performance Test (PT)/ Teaching Skill Test (TST) (as applicable), Document Verification and Medical Examination
Official website


RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 – Important Dates

RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024- Important Dates
RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Notification 202421st December 2024
Online Application Link7th January 2025
Last Date to Apply Online6th February 2025
Last Date to Pay Application Fee6th February 2025
CBT Exam Date 2024-25

RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 - Detailed Vacancy

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced 1036 vacancies for various Ministerial and Isolated Categories posts through RRB Minsterial and Isolated Categories Notification 2024-25. The post-wise vacancy distribution as mentioned in the official notification is as follows. 

RRB Minsterial and Isolated Categories Vacancy 2024-25
Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) of different subjects187
Scientific Supervisor (Ergonomics and Training)03
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) of different subjects338
Chief Law Assistant54
Public Prostecutor20
Physical Training Instructor (English Medium)18
Scientific Assistant/Training02
Junior Translator (Hindi)130
Senior Publicity Inspector03
Staff & welfare Inspector59
Music Teacher (Female)03
Primary Railway Teacher of different subjects188
Assistant Teacher (Female) (Junior School)02
Laboratory Assistant /School07
Lab Assistant Grade 3 (Chemist and Metallurgist)12

RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 - Application Fees

Candidates who wish to apply for the RRB Ministerial and Isolated Category Recruitment 2023 are required to pay an application fee. The fee amount may vary depending on the category the candidate belongs to. Payment for the application fee can be made through online modes such as Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking or offline mode such as Challan.

RRB Minsterial and Isolated Categories Application Fee 2024
CategoriesApplication Fee
SC / ST / PWD / Women / Transgender / Minorities / Economic Backward Classes / Ex-servicemenRs. 250
Other CategoriesRs. 500

RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 - Eligibility Criteria

The section-wise number of questions and marks (except for CBT of Junior Stenographer (Hindi & English) posts are detailed below-

Question TypeSubjectNo of QsMarks
Objective Type (MCQ based)Professional Ability5050
General Awareness1515
General Intelligence and Reasoning1515
General Science1010

RRB Stenographer (English / Hindi) CBT Pattern

The question paper for the Junior Stenographer (Hindi) & Junior Stenographer (English) will consist of two parts only. The subjects of the paper for CBT, No. of questions, the time allowed, the maximum marks for each subject will be as follows:

SubjectGeneral AwarenessHindi or English Language
No. of Qs5050
Questions (from – to)1 to 5051 to 100
Total Marks100100
  • The duration of the Test is 90 minutes
  • The test will be online on the computer.
  • 1/3 mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Category Wise Cut Off Marks are UR-40%, EWS-40%, OBC-30%, SC-30% and ST-25%.

RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 – Exam Pattern

The RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories exam pattern will give the candidates an idea of the marking scheme and the type of questions to expect in the exam. To excel in the RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories exam, candidates must have knowledge about the Exam Pattern 2025.

  • The examination will be of the objective type, consist of 100 MCQs, and hold a total of 100 marks.
  • The time allocated will be 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • Each question will carry 1 mark.
  • Negative marking is applicable for wrong answers, and 1/3 marks will be deducted for the same.

No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Professional Ability5050

90 Minutes

120 Minutes (PwD Candidates)

General Awareness1515
General Intelligence and Reasoning1515
General Science1010

RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 - Syllabus

Before starting to prepare for the Ministerial and Isolated Categories Examination, candidates should go through the detailed syllabus to understand every topic and strategize their preparations in a well-defined manner. The Ministerial and Isolated Categories syllabus is divided into four subjects: general awareness, general intelligence and reasoning, general science, and mathematics. Candidates who qualify the written test will be called for the further selection process, which is the skill test.

General Awareness:

Current Affairs National and international events, sports, important days, and awards
Indian History and Culture Ancient, medieval, and modern history; freedom struggle; and post-independence India
Geography Physical features of India, world geography, important geographical terms
Economics Basic economic principles, Indian economy, budget, and five-year plans
Polity Indian Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, public administration
General ScienceBasic concepts in physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science

General Intelligence and Reasoning

Analogies Finding relationships between pairs of words or numbers
Classification Grouping based on common properties
SeriesNumber series, alphabet series, and pattern recognition
Coding-Decoding Understanding coded language and deciphering codes
PuzzlesSolving various types of puzzles, including seating arrangement and logical puzzles
Syllogism Logical reasoning involving all, some, or no statements.
Venn Diagrams Analyzing logical relations using Venn diagrams.
Data InterpretationInterpreting data from charts, graphs, and tables.

General Science



Number System Whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals.
Algebra Simplification, factorization, linear equations
GeometryBasic concepts of lines, angles, triangles, circles, and quadrilaterals
GeometryCalculation of area, volume, and perimeter of different shapes
Trigonometry: Basic trigonometric ratios and their applications
Statistics and ProbabilityMean, median, mode, standard deviation, and basic probability
Ratio and ProportionConcepts and applications
Percentages and AveragesCalculation and applications
Profit and LossBasic problems on profit, loss, and discount
Simple and Compound InterestCalculation of interest over time


RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories Recruitment 2024-25 – Salary

PostsPay LevelSalary
Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) of different subjects8Rs. 47600
Scientific Supervisor (Ergonomics and Training)7Rs. 44900
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) of different subjects7Rs. 44900
Chief Law Assistant7Rs. 44900
Public Prostecutor7Rs. 44900
Physical Training Instructor (English Medium)7Rs. 44900
Scientific Assistant/Training6Rs. 35400
Junior Translator (Hindi)6Rs. 35400
Senior Publicity Inspector6Rs. 35400
Staff & welfare Inspector6Rs. 35400
Librarian6Rs. 35400
Music Teacher (Female)6Rs. 35400
Primary Railway Teacher of different subjects6Rs. 35400
Assistant Teacher (Female) (Junior School)6Rs. 35400
Laboratory Assistant /School4Rs. 25500
Lab Assistant Grade 3 (Chemist and Metallurgist)2Rs. 19900

How We Can Help You

At IIKD, we aim to help students reach their full potential and grow into well-rounded professionals and conscientious members of society. If you are preparing for competitive exams like the RRB ALP  we offer comprehensive training to ensure success in this prestigious recruitment process.

Our preparation modules cover all aspects of the selection process, from written exams to interviews, ensuring candidates are well-equipped to excel. Whether you’re preparing for technical or general duty roles, we provide focused coaching to strengthen your knowledge. Along with SBI PO Exam, SBI Clerk Exam, IBPS PO Exam, and IBPS Clerk Exam, we offer tailored sessions that give you a competitive edge in the recruitment process for the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant.

IIKD also offers training for SBI Specialist Officer, SBI SO Recruitment, and SBI Clerk Apply Online, ensuring that candidates aspiring for various positions in banking and government sectors are equally well-prepared. We also provide mock tests like IBPS Clerk Mock Tests, RRB PO Mock Tests, RRB Clerk Mock Tests, and IBPS RRB Clerk Mock Tests to strengthen your exam-taking strategy.

In addition to SSC CHSL 2023 preparation with SSC CHSL Previous Year Papers, we provide the right guidance for exams such as SSC CGL Mock Tests and SSC CGL Previous Year Question Papers to ensure you’re well-prepared. For those applying to railway exams, our resources for RRB NTPC Apply and updates on the Exam Date of RRB NTPC will keep you informed and prepared.

At IIKD, we focus on hands-on training and “learning by doing,” offering practical field modules alongside classroom sessions to ensure that students apply their knowledge in real-world situations. With industry expert seminars and personalized mentoring, students receive a holistic education to help them succeed in both exams and careers.

Whether you’re aiming for a role as an Apprentice in SBI, preparing for the SBI Apprentice 2022 program, or focusing on your future in the RRB ALP , IIKD offers the support and resources to help you achieve your goals.

With our cutting-edge research and development, we guarantee a global edge for your career. If you’re ready to take on the challenges of RRB ALP  SBI SO Recruitment, or IBPS PO Exam, IIKD is here to guide you every step of the way.

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